

Romanov Retire 1/31/2020

Price: $115.00

Retirement January 31, 2020

It seems that every king, sovereign, monarch, pharaoh, or Tsar — in short, anyone who has “graduated” to a position of absolute power, HAS to build some kind of monument to him/her self, and to declare to the world that THEIR taste is as superior as their station. Such was the Romanov Dynasty, which lasted 300 years. To see the lush richness and lavishly draped chambers in the restored palaces in St. Petersburg makes one become utterly speechless. All those forgotten artists who painted, sculpted, molded, gilded and stitched! How would it be even possible to find the talent and expertise to reproduce this magnificence today? However, that’s exactly what has been done…and it’s gorgeous! On a 3” purple ball. Do you really want to change the ball color?

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